Thursday, September 27, 2007

My First Post

What would you do if you're bored? Would you sit on the couch and watch CSI on Astro, which probably have been repeated a dozen times? Or would you spend hours thinking of your other half, who would probably be having a great time with his/her friends?

"Why don't you consider blogging?" This was what my friend (a blogger) told me. Well, not the exact phrase but it contained the similar meaning. In fact, she is my inspiration to start blogging.Erm...atleast that is what i think.

Everyone is blogging...there are famous bloggers like Kenny Sia and Jeff Ooi and there are also people who blog for fun like my friends. I have been exposed to many blogs and there were times when i really wanted to try blogging too. But due to lack of confidence and my poor writing skill, i've always stopped myself from doing so.

Here i am today on the 28th of September, 2007 (Friday)...typing my first official blog.

I can't promise interesting, happening blog like Mr Kenny...but it will definitely be ME. In another word, my blog will be something that's very i crapping?? Well..that's all for now folks.